Ep 04 | What I Shoot With And Why I Love It

PhotoBomb Academy
Ep 04 | What I Shoot With And Why I Love It

What I Shoot with and Why I Love It

What kind of photography gear do you use to capture those amazing images? Do you use DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) or Mirrorless cameras? How has your experience been? Have you considered switching to a mirrorless camera but aren't sure if it's the right choice? Maybe you're wondering if it's worth the cost. Worry not because Rhea, your host, has the information you need. 


In this episode, Rhea Whitney dives into photography gear, discussing her transition from DSLR to Mirrorless cameras. Rhea emphasizes the advantages of mirrorless gear, such as its lightweight design, compactness, and exceptional clarity. She highlights the importance of selecting gear that aligns with one's creativity and style rather than blindly following trends or peer recommendations. Rhea acknowledges that while photography gear, especially at the professional level, can be expensive, investing in high-quality lenses can significantly enhance the quality of your images.


Listen and gain valuable insights into photography gear selection. Learn about the benefits of mirrorless gear, including its lightweight nature, compact size, and exceptional image clarity, as well as to make informed decisions when it comes to photography gear.

What You Will Learn:

  • [00:01] Intro and what’s in for you in today's show  
  • [02:00] How Rhea became a full mirrorless girl
  • [03:12] Trading in her DSLR with Mirrorless at the WPPI conference
  • [03:40] From the D780 to the Nikon Z6 II
  • [04:04] Why mirrorless is a game changer in photography
  • [04:50] Rhea’s experience shooting on a D850 in 2022
  • [07:10] Mirrorless gear she is currently using and why
  • [11:40] Why Rhea loves the Z series photography gear
  • [16:55] How Rhea selects the right gear for a specific occasion
  • [17:34] Golden tips to help you in the photography gear
  • [19:53] Call to action and ending the show


Standout Quotes:

  • “Mirrorless is such a game changer in photography. Mirrorless gears are a bit lighter, smaller, compact, dynamic range and focus are amazing .”- Rhea [04:04]
  •  “All wedding photographers need to have a dual memory card so that they can back up their files.”- Rhea [05:32]
  • “The Z series photography gear is light.’- Rhea [11:40]
  • “Do not feel pressured to have certain photography gear because others have them. You do not have to do what others are doing. It is all about  who you are as a creative.” - Rhea [17:45]

Resources Mentioned: 

WPPI Conference: https://wppiexpo.com/

Stay Connected

 Learn more about me here: https://rheawhitney.com/

Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/RheaWhitney/

Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RheaWhitneyPhotography


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