Ep 10 | Why Defining your Core Values in Business Matters

PhotoBomb Academy
Ep 10 | Why Defining your Core Values in Business Matters

Why Defining Your Core Values In Your Business Matters

Defining your core values in your business holds immense significance, as these guiding principles are the foundational pillars underpinning your entire endeavor. Often, these core values mirror the beliefs that resonate with our personal life, fostering a seamless synergy between our business and our intrinsic convictions. As creators and service providers, the cohesion of values and beliefs plays a pivotal role in cultivating working relationships and nurturing a conducive environment. Defining and integrating them into our messaging and marketing efforts facilitates a genuine connection with clients and serve as a steadfast North Star, illuminating our path and role as service providers. Upholding our core values isn't just important; it's imperative. 

In today's podcast episode, Rhea dives into core values and why defining them is important in your business. She delves into the profound impact of defining our core...

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Ep 04 | What I Shoot With And Why I Love It

PhotoBomb Academy
Ep 04 | What I Shoot With And Why I Love It

What I Shoot with and Why I Love It

What kind of photography gear do you use to capture those amazing images? Do you use DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) or Mirrorless cameras? How has your experience been? Have you considered switching to a mirrorless camera but aren't sure if it's the right choice? Maybe you're wondering if it's worth the cost. Worry not because Rhea, your host, has the information you need. 


In this episode, Rhea Whitney dives into photography gear, discussing her transition from DSLR to Mirrorless cameras. Rhea emphasizes the advantages of mirrorless gear, such as its lightweight design, compactness, and exceptional clarity. She highlights the importance of selecting gear that aligns with one's creativity and style rather than blindly following trends or peer recommendations. Rhea acknowledges that while photography gear, especially at the professional level, can be expensive, investing in high-quality lenses can significantly enhance the quality of...

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Ep 03 | 3 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Have In Common

PhotoBomb Academy
Ep 03 | 3 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Have In Common

3 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Have In Common

Sometimes we need to be reminded of what success looks like to each of us and what we need to stay focused on to obtain the success that we really desire. Someone else definition of success may not look like your definition of success, and taking the time to define what success means to you is vital. Whether that is time freedom, financial freedom, a certain amount of clients or money in the bank, working at a certain type of venue or on certain types of projects, don’t base your metrics on what someone else deems successful. Chasing someone else's dream or level of success will not make you feel successful even if you achieve it.   


In this episode of the Rhea Whitney Podcast, we talk about 3 things successful entrepreneurs have in common that you can start implementing today to manifest your goals. Today is a new day to get things going in a new way. Facing the fears, taking things day by day, showing up...

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Ep 02 | Business Readiness 101

PhotoBomb Academy
Ep 02 | Business Readiness 101

Business Readiness and Foundation 101

If you have a dream to be a successful business owner, one of the things you can do is prepare yourself for the success that you desire. Preparation means business readiness, establishing a solid business foundation, having a separate business bank account, having your EIN, filing your LLC, keeping up with annual fees, obtaining insurance and having your own space on the internet. Being a successful entrepreneur is not an easy fit. You have to wear many hats and play different roles in your business. However, whether that is client preparations, bookkeeping, content creation, getting out in front of new customers, or increasing your visibility and production, preparedness and business readiness will help you set the foundation for your business success.    


In this episode of the Rhea Whitney Podcast, we talk about business foundation 101, business readiness, and all those things you need to ensure that you have...

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Ep 01 | Mini Episode About Me & The Rhea Whitney Podcast (Trailer)

PhotoBomb Academy
Ep 01 | Mini Episode About Me & The Rhea Whitney Podcast (Trailer)

About The Rhea Whitney Show

In this mini-episode, you will learn more about your host, Rhea Whitney, her inspiring journey and the WHY behind The Rhea Whitney podcast.  Born in North Carolina, Rhea experienced frequent moves during her childhood due to her father's job, residing in six states before college.  Rhea was always the new kid on the block and had to make new friends, which allowed her to develop a charismatic personality and an innate ability to connect with people. 


Raised by educators, Rhea’s exposure to her mother's restaurant in Kentucky sparked her interest in entrepreneurship. However, her earliest examples of this came from her uncles, who inspired her with their entrepreneurial endeavours long before the internet era. For her education, Rhea pursued a business finance major at Howard University and accounting at Hunter College. However, she quickly learned from studying CPA and working in public accounting that audit was not for her,...

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